The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

I dont know what her boyfriend would say.
Not to get off track, I fell down go boom, 2 year ago.


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    your gimp arm 2.jpg
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Yea all healed now. You can see where the skin is pushed up, ect. The hospital gives a copy of the imaging to the patient on discharge, which is pretty cool. It happened while I was bicycling on the wrong side of the street. A nice lady pulled out in front of me and, well let's just say I diden't stop. She had a small child in the back. The sight of a guy flying over the hood may stick in that child's mind for a while. Sorry!:confused:
I was once sitting on my front porch just enjoying the nice spring day. The old lady who lived next door was pulling out of her driveway. She couldn't see the cyclist on the sidewalk riding the wrong way on a one way street. He was riding flat out on a road bike and never had time to hit the brakes. I swear the guy flew at least 25 feet. The guy then got up and started yelling at the old lady. Cursing her out and blaming her for wrecking his bike. The police came along in about 5 minutes and dressed that guy down and put him in his place. They let him know that he would be paying for the damage to her car and then gave him a ticket. Good Saturday morning entertainment and a lesson learned NOT the hard way for me.
Lucky you... it's generally easier on the pocket book to learn at someone else's expense.

Many years ago, I had an excavator fabricate a rather substantial retaining wall for me. I hadn't done my homework and, therefore, didn't ask him to build it to code. Needless to say, one good hard rain and it came tumbling down... Soon after, a building inspector arrived on the scene--I thought I was toast--but he just nodded at my predicament and chuckled, saying "Kid, the school of hard knocks is a great way to learn if you can afford the tuition." I've never forgotten that lesson.