The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
The Corman formula for a successful movies:

1 Come up with an evocative title

2 Make a totally lurid poster, preferably with scantily clad blond
menaced by the object of the title

3 Go on tour booking the movie at theaters based on 1 and 2,
and if you get enough bookings,

4 Make the movie

This same approach can be applied to making hi fi equipment.

Zen Mod said:

whazzat ?

even dutchie whales have bear's winter snoring habit ?

winter over ?

What do I have to sayt to get off topic in here, Zen Mod
That is the question :smash:

High End .. what end of the body is it ... that can be so highly lifted?
The one we sit on ..

Nelson and Zen Mod
you are all loved by this one
.. for the courage of being so human, down to earth
.. in the middle of the overtechnicalities of this website, we already have too much of ... in other parts
I have lots of American friends and I have not met one of them who have not said Tim Tams are the best cookies they have ever tasted.
The funny thing about this is that some USA company bought out Arnotts and they still don't supply these biscuits in the USA.
The CEO of that company should be sacked.
The sad thing about it though is once they start selling them in the USA, Americans will think they are an American biscuits.
Just like they think Elle Macpherson, and Nicole Kidman are Americans (that may not be the case today but it was 10 years ago).
Tim Tams are definitely better than Reese's peanut butter cups.
Put it this way, I would quite happily give a stray dog on the street a Reese peanut butter cup, but there is no way I am gonna give a Tim Tam to a dog on the street.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Australia has the best chocolate in the world.
Cadbury leaves Herhey's for dead for plain milk chocolate, although Hershey's cookies and cream chocolate is not too bad.

Edit: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I just went to the Hershey's website. It looks like Hershey's has bought out Cadbury.
thanh1973 said:
Tim Tams are definitely better than Reese's peanut butter cups.
Put it this way, I would quite happily give a stray dog on the street a Reese peanut butter cup, but there is no way I am gonna give a Tim Tam to a dog on the street.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Australia has the best chocolate in the world.
Cadbury leaves Herhey's for dead for plain milk chocolate, although Hershey's cookies and cream chocolate is not too bad.

Edit: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I just went to the Hershey's website. It looks like Hershey's has bought out Cadbury.
Cadbury "coconot rough" is the best, I was hooked on violet crumble too. But the best of all are the Auzzie ice cream bars no one else does it better.
Off Topic again.

thanh1973 said:
Sorry to go off topic again.
Can you get Cherry Ripe in the USA. I think you would also like that.
It is one of my favourites.

Yes I agree, Australian and New Zealand ice cream is also pretty darn good.

Hi guys,

It's clear that you guys didn't had the chance to try Baskin & Robbin's 31 Ice cream! Pralines and cream is the best Ice cream ever!
And ehh, ever try cinnabon??? And Starbucks coffee????? Specially the cold ones!!!!

And Danish Butter cookies are the best there is. Cadbury is nothing compare to these.

Just my 2 cents and last of topic post from me.

Best regards,

Audiofanatic ;)
some expressions i do not never have heard in english
or learned as I studied english for all those 9-10 years at school, when I was young
so maybe you use something american sayings

anyway the word 'good' i know very well
... so thank u very much
.. as amatter of fact
AKSA, Destroyer X, Nelson and me Lineup
as I recall it are all of the '1951 generation' but born in different lands:
USA, Sweden, Brasil and Australia!
It was a very good year
.. as the song goes