The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Joined 2011
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Lunch at Paddington


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Kingdudas and such is good for noise as well having just 20 mm of wood and no carpet because GF sez I like wood floor "today" is no good unless one wants to delight neighbours whit 25W of Papa amps.

Tanks for all the comments like "U what toke out 2000 rusty old nails one by one replaced 50 years worth of patches and such whit new floor boards where needed and then put all back togheter sanded the lot and then stain and oiled and made it look so god Ur Dada be proud of ya whit all that elefant like forniture to shift around while GF nag for U missabit is to light is to dark is just perfect like that don't do any else bla bla bbla .

And WTF is a piece of 35 mm pipe gotta do whit it?
Now U tell me

(I assumed Mrs Red ordered you not to waste time, but pipe-pee out the window while you lay the floor, silly me)

I made rectangular holes in cupboard bottoms with a jigsaw, large enough to slide myself under the floor*.
Not for the claustrophobic & rigid, distance between the concrete bottom to the floor beams' underside is less than 40cm here.
That was close to ten years ago, I lack the guts and joints today for such an endeavour.

(*had already been renewed a few years earlier, 20mm oak glued on a layer of 18mm chipwood on the entire ground floor, without interruptions at door openings. At $250/sqm, a bit of a shame to damage/repair)

Post 60s houses are easier, minimum required crawling space height of 80cm, and an access hatch in the concrete floor.(ours is from 1935)
Downside nowadays is that some folks start a weed factory under the floor.


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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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I be properly back when I can tell ya how bad Turn table sound on bouncy suspended floor:eek:

I know already I have to get one of those proper English ones whit springs or rubberbands and such.

those E Yore bouncy ones are for sissies

make proper idler one , from even further E Yore or , even better , Swiss one (which are also made on 'talian soil )

I like that ECHO friendly insulation can I have same please?
What is the down side?
(yeah don't smoke any more but ... cake any one?)
It even require it's own light source to be recycled as under-floor heating.
Just perfect, I suspect U loot are busy testing latest Jaco idea and can't be bothered posting anymore
Apart from Zen, that is, but we all know he fell in the Calderon when he was baby.
A TT made whit 'talian soil ???? what new light weight Rega?

What U on for Papa sake?

PS we tried very hard to ad same spelling mistakes but this puter keep underlining thing whit ugly red line get over it
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Our poor cat - see avatar - had to be put out of her misery (kidney disease) a week ago today. Although I don't have any knowledge on the matter, it appears that the food which is sold as being suitable for cats is not suitable for their well being……….kidney disease of the feline kind is most commonly caused by diet imbalance. I know that it is all rather secondary to some of the problems of the moment, but why is it that all dietary products are so unregulated…….especially those for us humans.

RV: the earthing comment was on the basis that you might take advantage of the possibility of some shielding afforded by metal piping, such as copper.

Pleased that you still hate the Audi……mine is excellent for my needs, but I am old enough to need a blue Volvo with squeaky seats…. and one of those pipes which Jacco seems to have a lot of experience of built in - it would help keep the seat and carpet dry.
I am sorry about your cat.
She was very nice, as cats usually.
My brother's cat has ended up in a same way some years ago.
And yes, it is true that there are many problems.
I'm thinking about it, why do I dealing with my cats, and cats at all?
Maybe it's because they're somewhat alleviate my worries in my life.
And I am so grateful to them for that.
The other great problems of life I can not help to anyone anyhow anyway.
I'm trying, but....
I can not help even of my own problems.

A kitten family moved in into my brother's holiday house at Lake Balaton.
What will be them in coming winter?!851

Do you remember little black cat-girl, Nuca?
Exceptionally life truth little live-stock.
She was at my home for ten days, because her owner was on holiday.
And she told to me, Nuca will be a better place with us, than her parents.:D
They were fooling around with my kitten Huncutka very much. :)
(No, Emil only want to kill her, so it wasn't so easy.) :devily:
Kind regards,
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
(penpen)penultimate step in finishing Absolute WAF Tann OB ..... etc.

edit: still missing white-ish mesh-es , back covering fabric , proper gargantuan chokes/caps xovers

livin' la vida loca , in short


(me fungus here)


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Well done, my friends,
I'm just cooking now.
There will be some roast beef, simmered in a huge amount of onion.

I've bought a HP1745A oscilloscope.
No, I've don't need it.
(You know, I have a TEK 2225, TEK 2440, TEK 2467B and a Velleman PC scope.)
And I don't have any money.
I know, it is not a simple wackiness, it is more than that, it is craziness, but what can I do, it's so beautiful. :)