The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Joined 2011
Paid Member
I have to leave now
Before the door slams
You know I've seen it happen before
How it became the enemy who was a friend
I can not lie more in my life
It makes me vulnerable
It makes me strong
You want to hear me swear allegiance
Under the moon in a park

I can never be anything else
Than a wolf in this beautiful world
You know, I am the prisoner
In my freedom

Ulf Lundell
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member


  • trovajarmabruttispo101b.jpg
    80.4 KB · Views: 122
Positve transfer. Only way I have had consistent success. The odd lines are shadows from broken piece of glass. I will just deal with them. I will start by feeding local cap multiplier with big crc and series reg and move forward if i thkn the psu will contribute significant gains. It will be driving a J2 clone, so i pciked this because i wanted something that could be neutral.
I have no wiener dogs or other entertaining fellow creatures, but I do have roses, and they have done well this year. The attached is a random sample from the back yard - types represented are American Beauty, Double Delight, Gertrude Jekyll, and one David Austin-type rose whose name I don't remember. They were all chosen for both smell and looks. I'd plant more if I had the room.


  • flowers.jpg
    126 KB · Views: 109
Per Orwell, some roses are more equal than others, and the ones that didn't make the grade in my eyes/nose got, in the slang of the practitioners, "shovel pruned". There was a period where the AARS (the standard folks for roses) registered a lot of varieties with flowers but no smell - why bother...
I live on the West coast, so don't have to deal with Japanese beetles. They are really a problem with roses on the East coast, and I remember them well from my time growing up in Virginia even before I dealt with growing roses of my own. Milky disease cultures might be a countermeasure if you want roses rather than beetles. Out here in Cali, if you are close enough to the woods to have deer, you don't have roses, as they are most obsessive about mowing off anything that resembles a tender blooming stalk.