The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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moi likee that movie


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Joined 2006
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awakening song (even for lazy yanks , always 8hr late ) (shamelessly taken from disco thread around ) :

Finnish guy teaches how to disco - YouTube

eeeeehaw !

After I saw that video I looked around to see if he had any on cool Finnish pick up lines for chicks.....

The closest I could come wuz thezzzze guyzzz :rofl::rofl::rofl:
That's right they are two wild and crazy guys - - YouTube

And in the spirit of keeping things "in balance" (it's a Zen thing) herzzzz sump'n for me Irish brothers.....
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eeh, i already listened to Bowie, Iggy Pop, and Lou Reed in 1973.
Afair, one class room in highschool had several Bowie in drag posters on the wall.

(during class break we either played pinball at a cafeteria nearby, or did joints at the smoke corner 200ft in front of the school. Arghh, sentimental days)
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Joined 2006
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(during class break we either played pinball at a cafeteria nearby, or did joints at the smoke corner 200ft in front of the school. Arghh, sentimental days)

Taking a "smoke break" at school wuz after my time - but I made up for that after I got outta da Navy....:D:D:D

Got bored with it after a couple of years tho. Well - I think it wuz a couple of years..... but then I forget a lot of things around then..... :rolleyes:
Joined 2011
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Anybody seen Brian lately????? :D:D:D

Today I went hung over and had anxiety b4 I even got drunk. That usually happens after. Is that some old-stupid-fk-of- sign meaning: dont even think about it?

Anyway, talking about dodos and stuff. Damn this friend of mine beats the crap out of me. Some other guy brings a box full of novals and the dodo just lines them up b4 even Evo them says: those come frome this factory, those from this, brobably b4 1964 etc.

Hey. I came from this factory
Btw I heared that in the US they are now going to tell both the story about evolution and tha one about hmm good pops the world up story

Wierd. What about the storch?
Joined 2011
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have some porn ?

Cant find the freakin porn from Bolivia right now, its on "real" emulation, I think i have it scanned but prolly at work.

I have some stories from my wierd wanderings there tho. Story is that I read a lot of old books from the spaniyards and up, route describings and stuff and found out that there is not only one "inca-trail" but plenty. So I decided to "find" them again and walkes some of them on my last 8 weeks there. They were overgrown so I had to use machete and it was tireing but rewarding.

In the books ther was describings like "go to that village and take up in the woods in the direction where the stone madonna in the square points out". All inca trails head from the sea up to the mountains so I could climb some of them on my way. They are pretty high and there is no stupid fees , rules and stuff so it suits me fine. I just climb and have an apple when I want to.

Mt Illimani, I think its the second or third highest, was a fun story. Me and a friend came to the "basecamp", a plateu at around 4000 with grass full of yanks with fancy gear. Hell they even had a take-a-dump-tent from with sponsor logos:)

We had beards and indian clothings from living in the mountains so they really wondered who we was and what we were doing there. I just said that, well were walking around. So whats your plan? Eh, maybe up that mountain?!

They had a good laugh and putted on their oxygen masks. I had a joint with some of the crew later at the camp and got told the expedition would start at 0500, in a couple of hours.

So me and Isaak took a sleep under bare sky for 3 hrs and then we uncamped and headed up. I wont tell about the climbing struggles but it was pretty harch, and we ended up on a shelf at about 5500 mtrs. There were only glacier above and we had no crampons.

But then we spotted the first of the portaderos from the yank expedition and inwaited him. He was a glad indian who spoke only ketchua but we used sign language. He told me that we cant go further without gear. But I asked him: you have only sandals, how do you get up?

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Joined 2011
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All right, new beer:p

Well the portadero said "I go that way" and pointed up a route around the mountain. Damn it was so steep so it had no glacier and he was quick as a weasel so we lost him in the fog. We climbed as there were no tomorrow. After 15 hrs I heared a voice. Can i help you mister? The portadero had gone down for us.

I said no, I carry my own weigt (plus 22 kg backpack), but thanks, where are we? Here señior: El Nido de Condores
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