The Burning Amp Festival- an Audio Happening

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I just want to say thanks for everyone that's putting this on. I've been telling myself for a while that I'd build some of my own gear and I'm looking forward to meeting people that have already done so.

I'll probably bring my CAT5 speaker cables that I made, though haven't tested. Managed to break the speaker terminals on my amp just after completion. Yet another excuse to build my own stuff.

A suggestion about the funding ... perhaps a little graphic on the site that shows how close/far away you are to breaking even on the event? It's alway satisfying to see the difference your contribution makes.

Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi All,
I am looking forward to this event. I firmly believe that it should be for everyone, regardless of experience. I would even like to see some kits or PCB's for sale. Maybe in years to come.

In my view, anything that allows someone to pick up a soldering iron and do any kind of work is DIY and a good thing. There are some of us that do the entire thing from scratch (I have) and others who only go so far. I think everyone is welcome no matter their abilities. I even buy PCB's when I just want a quick project or I am in a situation where I can't make boards (like now).

The static displays are good for seeing how someone solved a problem (or why you have a problem). It wets the appetite for more and tends to push people further. No consumer show will do this.

Finally, like everything we will learn how to do things better. We had a two day event in our heads to begin with and now it's down to one long day. So, let's just see how it goes and enjoy yourselves!

reshippie said:

A suggestion about the funding ... perhaps a little graphic on the site that shows how close/far away you are to breaking even on the event? It's alway satisfying to see the difference your contribution makes.


Thank you for the suggestion - good idea. It is done - check at the bottom of the guest list. I also added line with contribution amounts.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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wrenchone said:
I'm progressing on the projects I have slated to bring. To prime the pump, maybe each of us can post info on our stuff for discussion or refer to other threads on this site. I'll be bringing some schematics with me, at least.

that's bad idea - pointing to threads ....... at least in case of :Pumpkin:

600 posts ,mainly off topic :devilr:


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AR2, Variac, SY


Some visitors might find an LT SPICE Kiosk useful to discuss and exchange circuits and device models. Visitors could bring a USB memory stick or CD to dump information, and take a final copy home of all "open designs" and "good device models". The latest copy of LT SPICE could also be available for download for the network challenged.
To Zen - the other alternative would be a brief!! post or two on each project in this thread, say a schematic and one effective pic. It's up to the guys that started this thread whether they want the info here or someplace else, like maybe a new thread - perhaps "burning amp submissions".
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
wrenchone said:
To Zen - the other alternative would be a brief!! post or two on each project in this thread, say a schematic and one effective pic. It's up to the guys that started this thread whether they want the info here or someplace else, like maybe a new thread - perhaps "burning amp submissions".

you idea is logical and valuable ;
I'm just teasing ,as always .........



Do it!!! ................ Chris
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