• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

The attraction of vacuum tubes / valves.

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Tu..be or not tu..be!


Got in the middle of it again, didn't ya!

Well, I am still waiting for you favourite tube pre-amp schematic so I can build one and experience......the truth.;)

Kidding aside, I think a new thread with a good tube design compared with a solid state unit could be a learning experience for all of us.


Joined 2003
Valves vs semiconductors

1% THD is a little unfair. Leak (UK and Oz) built its reputation on the fact that their amplifiers could achieve full power with only 0.1% THD. (And that was in the 60s.) Yes, there are extremes. A McIntosh has lots of feedback and probably achieves lower distortion, whereas a zero-feedback single-ended amplifier would struggle to achieve full power at 1%.

There is somewhat less variety in semiconductor design because most amplifiers are derivatives of the seminal HC Lin circuit.

In case you think I am hopelessly biased, my personal preference is for valves because of their open mid-range, but I accept that it is easier to make a good bass amplifier with semiconductors. Thus, I currently use a semiconductor amplifier for bass, and valves for the rest. Nevertheless, I intend to try valves again for bass, and I may replace my transistor radio with a valve radio if I can find one that looks and sounds nice.

In a turnaround to the usual problem. Would you still be attracted by a woman with a lovely voice but a ghastly face?
The patent issue is a nonsequitor. If application was made in the EU, the application (which must have full disclosure) will be made public. If patents have not been applied for yet, his commercial use of the invention will cause him severe limitations if he ever tries to enforce the patent. In the US, he has one year following public disclosure or commercial use to get his application in. I think Aussie law follows EU, but I'm not certain.

The key thing is that commercial use (presumably, he's been paid for his sound work using his invention) is equivalent to public disclosure. Eric may choose not to reveal any details about his invention as is his right, but patents would not be the reason.

Disclaimer: I am not an attorney, patent or otherwise. My observations are purely those of someone who has been through the patent system in the US, EU, and Australia and participated in IP litigation as both plaintiff and defendant more times than I care to count.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


There is a very long..nah...a long and short answer to that:

A: You're psycholigical reference is transistor sound.

B: A is dominant.

C: A+B = you prefer to stick to what you are familiar with.

Needless to say nobody wants to see his profile in public, in the meantime I'll be enjoying music in the museum.

Cheers, ;)

fdegrove said:
Since you claim to be bound by silence would it not be better for you to keep quiet about it right now?
And I really mean for yourself as a persona.:rolleyes:

Hi Frank,
Thanks for your such concern, but that does not worry me in the slightest.
Reason being is that my findings are already proven and vindicated.
Talking about this treatment does not reveal anything secret, so no problem with that to me.
Mostly I am preparing you guys for the big shock when you get to try this thing - it will mess with your minds for a while as you learn to drop some belief systems, and thereafter you will have a different view of the world, the audio world at least.

Thanks for your advice, but none of the points you raise about disclosure apply yet - prototypes have been tried but no information has been disclosed nor money changed hands.

It sounds like you have good experience in the patents world - I understand that Behringer ripped a Mackie design including pcb artwork complete with original Mackie logos on the pcb.
Any idea of the outcome there, and can relate some ofthe infringements, costs and outcomes of the cases that you were involved in ?.

Thanks, Eric.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


Mostly I am preparing you guys for the big shock when you get to try this thing - it will mess with your minds for a while as you learn to drop some belief systems, and thereafter you will have a different view of the world, the audio world at least.

Try us, in the mean time expect half the forum to breathe down neck.

It's a two edged sword, Eric-san .

A friend,;)


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For World Peace

Hi Frank,
Yes I understand what you are saying, and that does not worry me - everybody is welcome to breathe down my neck, but shouting or biting is not appreciated.

This treatment is the culmination of much audio experience, questions and experiments.
My motivation in this invention is noble, and I expect that the world will benefit long term and greatly by this.
So far I find that it gives a very strong peace and happiness factor to all systems, music and recordings, and this is what gives me the greatest pleasure.

My mother made a pertinent comment years ago and that was "What is the point of listening to relaxation music when the system sounds drive you up the wall ?".
I now have this solution for her, and when she is over in 3 weeks, I expect that she will be able to enjoy violin and orchestral recordings like never before, and this for me, will be the greatest reward.

Eric / - Always noble in thought, mostly always noble in deed.
Re: Tune To The Earth And You Will Have More Understanding.

mrfeedback said:

Enemies ? - I thought that we are all friends around here.
My purpose is mainly to awaken some out of the irrational (imo) stance that tube is always better, and yes of course, any publicity is good publicity.


Oh no, never enemies. Frienships only. Of course, as intelligent as you are you realize that the title of this thread was not "why do you think tube is better than SS". No, it was " the attraction to valves" which would tend to make most of our responses a matter of personal taste and preference. Now understanding human nature the way you surely do, you realize it is pointless to argue someones personal taste. You could however argue about factually which is better, but that is not what this thread is about. Therefore you are either an antagonist or an idiot. I'll let you decide, your more of an expert on that subject than I.

Re: For World Peace

mrfeedback said:

So far I find that it gives a very strong peace and happiness factor to all systems, music and recordings, and this is what gives me the greatest pleasure.

Eric / - Always noble in thought, mostly always noble in deed.

Heck, can you apply it to people? If so, spray some of it on our world leaders, start with mine. If they do okay I might want some for my wife.

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