Tango series II binary PCB file help needed!

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I have a file which was created by tango series II PCB layout tool. I tried to load it using P-cad 2001, protel 99 SE and protel 2.7 tools. There is no way to load it. It needs to conver the binary format to ASCII format. Is there anyone who has the tango seriers II tool and help me to convert this format to ASCII.

Suoliang Kang
I know this is old but I found an easy way to do this. Use a program called Rimu PCB v1.08 it will convert it to a gerber file. You have to use the import function and then choose the type of output you want. It will work for the binary type of tango file as well. Here is the site for the program:


I looked forever to find a way to convert the old tango files so I hope this helps anyone that has the same problem. The program is shareware so check the details on the site, its only $65 or so. It will work for free but you cant save anything untill its unlocked.
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