Just about to do it on one I'm refurbing.. I've a 3001A and 3001 and only just opened them up to compare circuits - exactly the same! So I'm doing up my bashed silver 3001 that was cheap and selling the good 3001A before people realise there's no difference between them to justify the price difference.. I mean EXACTLY the same - ok the 3001A uses some different caps in places because it was made some years later, but that's all.
The 3001A already has one replaced and it's a Varta 1.2V 150mAh NiMH with PCB mounting.
£1.86 from Farnell..
The 3001A already has one replaced and it's a Varta 1.2V 150mAh NiMH with PCB mounting.
£1.86 from Farnell..