T-line within vented cabinet?

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I had a thought and wanted to see if i'm completely wrong or not.

A number of established vented designs have fairly flat response across the range, with the usual give-or-take 3 db. Suppose a design had more mid-upper ripple than down low, would it be possible to put short (say 3-4" or so) tapered t-line stacks coming off the back of the drivers inside the cabinet such that the resonance of the line cancelled the higher range unevenness (~1000hz and up), while the lower freq stuff passed thru into the volume of the cabinet normally?

I'm envisioning a hypothetical 6 1/2" driver backed by a 4"ish long tunnel that tapers from ~325cm^3 to ~290cm^3 at its exit

this would theoretically apply to tweeters as well, if theres uneveness there too.

How far out am I on this one?
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