Super cube Amp


Maybe HE can, since he specialized in them. If not, as suggested by huggygood, junk old dead amp but not speaker and cabinet and adapt a new one.
Here in Argentina PA type powered cabinets are often unrepairable at component level and Factory replacement boards impossible so PA operators or DJs also close back with some plywood/MDF, mount a passive crossover inside, a couple Speakons, and drive them with generic rack type power amps.
Indestructible "boat anchor" types such as Peavey CS800 are very popular.
But also "mystery brand" $200 ones work fine.
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Good idea.
Since it already takes removing backplate and rewiring straight to woofer, I would also remove dead amp and all unused hardware: pots - connectors - switches, etc. , leaving only the connector pair in actual use to avoid future confusions.
I would also cover now useless labels with black Sharpie and/or add a sticky label by those terminals stating : "straight to woofer"
It never hurts.