suitable for home hi fi

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I purchased some infinity kappa perfect 6.1 at a signifigant savings when I worked at Futureshop and was wondering how well they perform in home applications. I build Bookshelf type boxes with .34cuft and 3/4 mdf. I am impressed with them very much but besides store displays I have nothing really to compare to. The amp i use is a 2 channel gainclone similar to the decibel dungeon layout. They are 4ohm speakers. I am pretty good at sub boxes but don't have much experience in mid or tweet selection. There are several graphs in the owners manual that would be useful to someone with more knowledge. If they are more acoustically better for a car would it be better to take a hit on resale/ebay and use the money towards a more traditional Home setup? I find they can play quite a bit below 75Hz but not with as much power of course.

Infinity link

MSRP U.S. $: 549.95 pair
Frequency Response 75hz-23khz +-3dB
Powerhandling 100Wrms 400W peak
Nominal impedence 4ohms
Sensitvity 90dB
Crossover 3.5KHz 24Db/octave Linquitz-Riley Acoustic

Revc 3.45(ohms?)
Levc .37
Sd .0113
Bl 6.37
Cms 630.36
Mms 18.94
Mmd 18.25
Fs 46.05
Qms 3.44
Qes 0.465
Qts 0.41

Xmax 1/8inch
voice coil diameter 1.5inches

Revc 3.31
Levc 0.02
Sd .0005
Bl 1.99
Vas 0.0016
cms 44
Mms 0.3064
Mmd 0.3
Fs 1370.65
Qms 5.4
Qes 2.19
Qts 1.59
tweeter has -4dB 0dB +5dB settings built in
Why don't you see if you can borrow some others that are similar and do a little side by side test to see if you still like them. That's better than us suggesting what sounds good and doesn't.

If you got a good deal on them then I bet they sound really good!

Kind of like "music to your ears" ;)


Edit: I just reread your post and it says you do have something to compare them to.

So... Are you happy?


Joined 2003

Just looking at the published info and being extremely pleased with both sets of 1st gen Kappa pros I have, I imagine yours acquit themselves against other typical small monitors, so if you like how they sound, you can try them in some floor standing ML-TLs to get quite a bit more bottom end than your current cabs.

Tuned to ~40Hz (all dims are inside):

L = 35"
SO/SL = 33.083"^2
zdriver = 12.34"
zport = near/at the bottom
rp = 1"
Lp = 6"

I'm sure there's no baffle step compensation (BSC) in the XO to tonally balance them since cars don't need it, so you'll need some if these aren't up against a wall. MJK has a tutorial for an adjustable one on his site:

Obviously, with the driver so far down the pipe you'll need to extend the cab somewhat to get them up to ear height or whatever works for you, so fill the cavity with kitty litter, sterile sand, or similar, and of course add a suitable massive base or tripod legs to stabilize them. This helps to 'tighten up' the bass, as does a massive top, so I recommend mass loading it also. If SAF is an issue, a heavy potted plant works well. ;)

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