Suggestion for simple crossover.

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My line array is almost done and i'm getting really excited to hear them. The one thing i'm not too sure about is the crossover. I know i want it cheap, and simple. I also still want it effective enough to sound good. I was thinking 2nd order LW for both the tweeters and mids at 3500hz. My speakers consist of 16, 4" NSB's , and 9 Dayton ND20's . Spacing on the NSB's are 4.05", spacing on the Daytons are 1.7". I know several have done projects very similiar to mine. But I never hear about crossovers.
Good news is you won't have to pad down the tweeters according to FR curves.

It's a bit hard to recommend a crossover when it's hard to know what's the impedance at 3.5 kHz with stupid PartsExpess logarithmic impedance curves hehe!

I'd guess around 11 ohms for the midrange and 5.5 ohms for the tweeter.

So, tweeters in parallel with a 0.5 mH inductor, which are followed by a 4 µF capacitor. Then, midranges in parallel with a 2 µF capacitor, followed by a 1 mH inductor.

I don't think you can have something more simple hehe, but probably someone will suggest something better.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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