Sub Xover HELP!

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Hi all.

I'm a newbie, and I have a hacked together DIY home theater, in which I am using various amps to power the center, mains, surround and sub speakers. What I'm looking to build is an adjustable low-pass filter for my subwoofer. I currently have a simple one consisting of a single capacitor that works well enough, but I'm looking for something with a better slope and that will go down to 60hz or so. Any advice would be appreciated- even on non-adjustable filters.

Just use line level crossovers to the amps.

If you are going for very low cost, take a look at:

get out $5 bucks and get the parts you need at Radio Shack, be certain to use polyester capacitors. If you want better caps, I don't believe radio shack carries better ones. Go to if you want polyproplyne, etc.

Or, you can build an active crossover, easy AND stable regardless of amplifier input impedance if you use an output buffer. Some good designs can be found at

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