Studio monitor

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This is what I had in mind. Sorry for the presentation - yes, they are cinderblocks. Not EXACTLY portable at 35lbs each! :D


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DJNUBZ wrote:

and my full-range system currently uses the MANGER BW transducer as a midrange, augmented actively by a low (Volt Radial) and high frequency driver (Scan-Speak Revelator/LCY 130) as *needed.* If I want a *constricted* full-range system that is more revealing than the CSS drivers, I simply mute the low and high drivers and run the MANGERs in full-range.

Do you correct (i.e. EQ) the 800 Hz and 1.6 kHz dips of the Manger ?



Hello Charles,
Equalization of the Mangers is quite facile, since the driver is time coherent (dare I say, phase accurate?). I adjust these properties within the digital crossover. My only gripe with the Mangers is their strange dispersion properties. You REALLY have to be in the sweet spot! This is NOT the kind of monitor you want for clients that want to "listen in." However, I have also found that the dispersion (high frequency beaming) depends dramatically on the acoustical environment. In a dampened studio control room they are exacerbated.

I am aware that they are for selfish listeners since I own a pir of them myself, although for domestic listening.

Regarding the notches: How well do you "iron them out" ? I am asking since I want to do this as well. I have some measurements saying that THD is prominent at these notches so I don't want to overdo it.


is there really nothing out there that people recommend for DIY studio monitors?
Pro designers are always designing new kits for seas and scanspeak to highlight the company's products.
I have had a few monitors in the past including Dynaudio and Mackie and Alesis. Mostly I find them terrible and to be honest they have a cheap midrange sound with no detail.
men, what are you talking about?
"cheap midrange sound with no detail" ? yes, we are in class of mixing monitors, you NEED to have speakers with this characteristic to get well balanced mix! there is no room for hifi approach! and of course, the question is, what IS detail. many consumer classy hi-end expensive boxes are far from being flat, which fact leads to more "expresive" character, but do we need nicey artificial details in the studio? NO!
"selfish listener"? of course! nearfields have only ONE listener, the engineer! noone else can drive mixing console and no other listener is reqired in the control room...
yeh you're completely right about that.
but the midrange is the one thing that completely changes from monitor to monitor.
I think the best bet is to have a few different types. I have dynaudioBM5 and Mackie 828 - the midrange is completely different on them. 2-4k on the 828s sounds louder than on the BM5s. quite alot aswell. but to me the mixes on dynaudios seem to translate better on other systems.
what I do is try to compensate between them.
I suppose what I want is another pair of speakers which is a bit more inspiring to work with. even if they are not that flat. Tannoy monitor golds and LS3/5as are pretty cool but they are not really flat compared to modern monitors. I have a pair of mint Quad II amps that I would like to use but these do not really work with alot of modern monitors. Any recommendations?
"selfish listener"? of course! nearfields have only ONE listener, the engineer! noone else can drive mixing console and no other listener is reqired in the control room...

I think you are refering to me ! What you say is certainly true but bear in mind that we were refering to the Manger and this transducer is not used for monitoring only.
I use to listen to a pair of them at home. So I belong to the group of selfish listeners as well. The sweet-spot of these is quite small but since my SO doesn't know anything about sweet-spot etc she doesn't care at all. :devilr:


Sausages in the ears...

is there really nothing out there that people recommend for DIY studio monitors?
Pro designers are always designing new kits for seas and scanspeak to highlight the company's products.
I have had a few monitors in the past including Dynaudio and Mackie and Alesis. Mostly I find them terrible and to be honest they have a cheap midrange sound with no detail.

You are very very right. For my experience I find the mid range of these cheaper monitors lacking and often aggressive at some frequencies. I have a couple of Genelec 1031A here in my workshop. One thing I really can say that they truly have an excellent mid range! If anyone says here that you don't need proper midrange to mix or postmix studio audio recordings, there is one advice: Listen to the CD's of Gregory Porter and hear that the one who did that had sausages in his ears :(
(Unbelievable that good musicians can be raped like this, in this age, where professional audio really really is affordable)
So, the only thing I can say is to get a couple of Genelecs or other well known proven active studio monitors.
Genelec 1031A Repair & Healing Session

@ FastFolkert,
You are right, I am a little late :D
But since this subject is touched a little too less -to my honest opinion- I think I better post my recent results. Had to repair my Genelec 1031A's. A Healing Session has been done to let them work again for the next 10 years. Anyway, A repair was needed after all these years, since one of the 1206 resistors decided to start to crack (took me a whole day to find this, very nasty failure)
Please have a look at the (reverse engineered) PA-Stage. Behind it there is the current amp (original schematics). Beautiful topology, all temp. matched transistor tracking, simply very well engineered.
The original schematics can be found on the web, just google "filetype=pdf Genelec 1031A" and it will pop up.

Enjoy ! ;-)



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