Stop the War!, Congress is saying!

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I have a notion to believe that Iraq is creating diversion to islamic extreamist in order to keep the Mexican boarder open to please those big buisness cheap laborer types that support Bush and expect to get kickbacks. The Islamic extreamists can't afford to lose the Iraqi people to self rule instead of THEIR 8th century type rule because of how that outcome would aid the US and the industrial world. So we are also keeping these scum of throat cutters and those who target civilians bogged down in Iraq. Still a messy situation because of how many ways it can go wrong. We are trying to make a country out of 3 different factions of Arabs who have been cutting each others throats for over 1500 years. I'm sure there is a lot of love between them...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :apathic:

yeah whatever:whazzat:

And so the war plan goes on and the ILLEAGAL imigrants continue to flow across the boarder and collect social services like lemmings. :whazzat: :dodgy: :apathic:
I have a notion to believe that Iraq is creating diversion to islamic extreamist in order to keep the Mexican boarder open to please those big buisness cheap laborer types that support Bush and expect to get kickbacks.

Don't forget the Illuminati and the Freemasons. Though they'd LIKE you to forget. I don't forget, though. No, I don't. I think I'm immune to their beams, that's why I can see what's going on, but don't let them know this, because if they find out, they'll come and ge
I would have thought that as an illegal alien one would not have the correct documents required to access welfare, education or health care. If, OTOH, they can access such services legally, how can they still be illegal? Still look on the bright side, at least they are not following a European model of immigration, a situation that is more often than not fatal for the locals.
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Joined 2005
rfbrw said:
I would have thought that as an illegal alien one would not have the correct documents required to access welfare, education or health care. If, OTOH, they can access such services legally, how can they still be illegal? Still look on the bright side, at least they are not following a European model of immigration, a situation that is more often than not fatal for the locals.

Damn those americans. How dare they be nicer to the immigrants than those high-class europeans?

rfbrw said:
I would have thought that as an illegal alien one would not have the correct documents required to access welfare, education or health care.

All they have to do is consult the manual brought to them by the ACLU and other such firms, that explains how to traverse the loopholes in the system. I'm sure you can find it printed in whatever language you speak.:rolleyes:
CBS240 said:

All they have to do is consult the manual brought to them by the ACLU and other such firms, that explains how to traverse the loopholes in the system. I'm sure you can find it printed in whatever language you speak.:rolleyes:

I very much doubt that all these illegal immigrants are milling around the deep south just playing tiddlywinks and generally getting in your way. If you are anything to go by, southern hospitality, as far as illegal immigrants go, isn't something to look forward to and if there wasn't the demand for the cheap labour they provide, I doubt they'd bother putting up with the hostility.
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Joined 2005
rfbrw said:
I doubt they'd bother putting up with the hostility.

those southerners are so hostile towards the immigrants that even the high-class nice and kind europeans couldn't believe the welfare benefits they offer to the immigrants.

pinkmouse said:
"Give me your tired, your poor, "

"and before you come, please take down your headscarves", said the nice and kind muslim-loving french.
rfbrw said:

I guess it's time to start cutting eye holes in the bedsheets again.

Certainly not!:xeye: but it is getting about time to cut out the PC BS. I suppose that this Chai Vang character is really innocent. He has the right to shoot 6 people because whitey called him a name.

If it were 6 Asians killed by a white man, hate crime is all you would here. Come to think of it, this is a hate crime. I can guarantee that the government will never think of perusing this as a hate crime because Caucasian is not considered a "race".
:rolleyes: :dodgy:

Of course then, who in their right mind hunts game with an assult rifle? You usually only get one shot anyway. Maybe two if your a bad shot and are hunting very stupid game.:whazzat:
CBS240 said:

Certainly not!:xeye: but it is getting about time to cut out the PC BS. I suppose that this Chai Vang character is really innocent. He has the right to shoot 6 people because whitey called him a name.

If you are stupid enough to hurl insults at someone carrying a gun then you shouldn't be too surprised if you get shot. You are quite right, lets get rid of all the PC BS and accept some people are just plain stupid.

Of course then, who in their right mind hunts game with an assult rifle? You usually only get one shot anyway. Maybe two if your a bad shot and are hunting very stupid game.:whazzat:

In a nation where individuals are allowed to own .50 cal machine guns and miniguns a right mind is irrelevant.
rfbrw said:

If you are stupid enough to hurl insults at someone carrying a gun then you shouldn't be too surprised if you get shot. You are quite right, lets get rid of all the PC BS and accept some people are just plain stupid.
This is a ridiculous statement to make. Obviously you do not own a gun or hunt and I hope you never do, if this is the way you think. It is completely irrational. It is totaly not the attitude of MOST legal gunowners here. If this were so, then you better watch what you say to anyone, they may be packing heat.:eek: Fortunately, most people are more intelligent than this. There is responsibility to owning and operating a firearm and when you do not adhere to it and someone gets hurt, well, it's your rap. If your negligence results in someone's death, you are responsible. I for one, I think that requirements as they are in this country are not strict enough. There really should be a minimum IQ required to owning firearms. I was first taught by my father how use a firearm when I was 8. However, the first lessons I learned before I even loaded the weapon was safety and respect for it. You must not be afraid of it BUT above all, you must ALWAYS respect it. There is no excuse for accidents if you follow your P's and Q's. Accidents usually involve alcohol or some other substance and this is irresponsible like driving a vehicle drunk and is inexcusable. BTW more people die because idiots don't seem to see the danger of driving while intoxicated than the idiots who misuse firearms causing accidents. The actions of this individual were as inexcusable as was the weapon he was hunting with is. Intentional misuse requires intentional punishment. It is too bad Wisconsin doesn't execute and that the taxpayers of that state are forced to support the cost of this piece of dung in prison.

rfbrw said:

In a nation where individuals are allowed to own .50 cal machine guns and miniguns a right mind is irrelevant.

Just because a gun is considered an assault rifle, doesn't mean it is automatic. Obviously you are not aware that in order to own an automatic weapon here legally, you must have a special license. This license is very hard to get for the average citizen. It is easier to get a concealed weapons license, well in most states, and even that requires extensive background checks. I don't think the shooting test is tough enough either. For example, if grandma wants to register a .45 cal, then grandma must be able to handle such a hand cannon and be able to shoot it accuratly. It is mostly a state issue, aside from automatic firearms. Hunting firearms are not considered under these circumstances because of what they are designed for...hunting.

Other than hunting, why else own a firearm? Well the recent disaster in N. O. is a fine example. People needed these firearms to protect their property against roving gangs of looters bent on stealing their possessions and destroying what was left of all they had. This was a situation were law enforcement and government were powerless to do anything about. These people were on their own. The woman who is about to be raped could certainly benefit from having a firearm. The "Big Easy", despite it's name, is a rough town. Firearms are a good deterrent against criminals for the law abiding citizen, especially in rough neighborhoods.

Target practice can be fun too!:D How good are you? Place your bet on your skill.;) :clown:
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