Stereophile review of XA 160

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While hi>fi+ is not bad, I didn't find a personal touch there, I find when reading a Stereophile. Pictures are nice, but for that I prefer image hifi or HIFIexklusiv. To me, Stereophile is still the best.


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I would have definately agreed with you about Stereofool 15 years ago, but not today. It used to be my favorite mag!! Huge stacks kept in the jon and all. However, like most mags of today its become just another large corporate owned mag and to me has become less and less important. All things are good till it bcomes corporate owned! Sort of like becomming one of those Petersen Publishing mags.....barf!

Probably the most important thing going for all true Stereophiles these days is this site!!
Mark A. Gulbrandsen said:
I would have definately agreed with you about Stereofool 15 years ago, but not today. It used to be my favorite mag!! Huge stacks kept in the jon and all. However, like most mags of today its become just another large corporate owned mag and to me has become less and less important. All things are good till it bcomes corporate owned! Sort of like becomming one of those Petersen Publishing mags.....barf!

Probably the most important thing going for Stereophiles these days is this site!!

It is true. But it also hard to find a really good stereo phile magazine this days. Maybe I am biased by what I read 15 years ago. The absolute sound becomes better with each issue as well;)
Yes there's always The Absolute Sound:

Check out:

I agree with the earlier remarks, but then the pull of these mags for information on just what is "The best" has been largely dilutued by the wwww. I note on the above site they actually sell reviews for $3.00, that's an interesting business model for a publication.

Of course someone like Nelson Pass who is veteran in this field (and a legend) fully understands how the industry works and the degree of importance advertsing and reviews holds for his niche in the market.


The problem with both Sterephile and Hi-fi+ is that in the end you have no idea which product is better.More often than not the review is written in an absolute sense without comparison to anything and is usually always positive.I always prefer the shoot-out type of review between like priced or reference components.
Advertizing is not as important as the consumer sometimes thinks it is. With small companies, full page advertisements in audio rags have all the cache and silkiness of exclusitivity, but in the end, do little for sales.

Established companies do it for the financial write-off and to keep their product in your mind. Rarely do advertising with full page glossy shots actually result in actual sales.

Gurellia tactics, like small ads in the right places work best. Reach the folks who DON'T know who you are. That's where the money is well spent. Advertising in Stereophile by a established company is like preaching to the choir...they got the message LONG AGO. It's a waste of money...but they are expected to do it.

Our company for example, is about to go -everywhere- (like a freakin' commodity) and with NO advertising.

Speaking of Product, I'm very, very interesed in your amps there, Nelson. We need some natrual-neutral sounding amps to do design work with. Everything I have ever attempted to use for design work I have had to rebuild and re-execute, and I'm getting tired of it. I mean, everything in existence can be tweaked a bit more by the next guy.... (Including anything I have played with) but the less work I have to do, the better.
The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
I have always found that big fancy ads aren't cost effective,
but it is important to maintain at least a small presence
on an ongoing basis.

To be avoided at all costs are the "shill" efforts by some
manufacturers, in which complimentary letters and posts by
aliases are used to create some buzz. Some companies
that have used this approach are no longer with us.....

On a subject more to the theme of this thread, we are finding
XA160 sales climbing, and expect a review in TAS at some in
the future. The Stereophile review has worked out nicely for us,
in spite of the power screw-up. :cool:
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