stepped attenuators? What should I get from the ff. choices?

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Marchand Electronics may have just what you need. They offer passive preamp kits as well as just attenuator assemblies, with either 23 or 46 position switches. What's more, they use the Shallco rotary switches with coin silver contacts, one of the best in the business (used by Ayre Acoustics on their high end preamp).

I have a PR41 passive preamp from Marchand and have been very happy with it. Phil also offers a special balanced version, and it's my plan to build an active preamp using the switching, balance, and attenuation controls with my own active circuitry (NLFB class A solid state) in a nice Par-Metal aluminum chasis.


Jarthel, for the third time in the last few days, you are asking questions that have already been answered because you didn't search previous posts first, and you ask the same questions to multiple forums, including some of the headphone boards. Please stop doing this.

If you had searched for stepped attenuators you would have found this thread, which contains the following info, among other things.

stepped attenuator and rotary switch links:
Morsel well I know made those links in head-fi but wasn't exactly seraching for DIY stuff. I'm after already built ones.

Also, I asked my question in different forums. That means that there are people who frequent a forum and not the other ones. Don't assume that because you frequent the forums where I made my post, other people will see it.

In fact doing a good search depends on how you make your question. Though I don't see why it's so much of a problem to put your question in different forums, as not many people go see them all. I don't care.

About the stepped attenuators, the TKD is not really a step attenuator as far as I know. Just a regular pot with position steps, but not resistors that set the levels. Am I wrong?

Strange thing about an Elma switch rot, as the AA mail reports, as they are inside. Perhaps there was a problem with the terminal. Not an usual thing anyway.

The switch I bought some time ago, from The Parts Connection, was an Electroswitch which allows assembling it as a ladder attenuator. That arrangement puts just a few resistors in series/parallel with the signal.

Carlos E. Martinez
carlmart said:
In fact doing a good search depends on how you make your question. Though I don't see why it's so much of a problem to put your question in different forums, as not many people go see them all. I don't care.

About the stepped attenuators, the TKD is not really a step attenuator as far as I know. Just a regular pot with position steps, but not resistors that set the levels. Am I wrong?

Strange thing about an Elma switch rot, as the AA mail reports, as they are inside. Perhaps there was a problem with the terminal. Not an usual thing anyway.

The switch I bought some time ago, from The Parts Connection, was an Electroswitch which allows assembling it as a ladder attenuator. That arrangement puts just a few resistors in series/parallel with the signal.

Carlos E. Martinez

Well TKD has a stepped attenuator and a pot (but it looks like a stepped when you open it). If you have Percy's catalog, check it out.

Also, I made my search but nothing really interesting came up.
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