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Starving Student Tubes

Hi, all,

I have several pairs of Starving Student tubes, 18FX6As, for sale. I've got too many headphone amps at the moment, so will be getting rid of that one. (Posting to come.) Here's what I have:
  • General Electric (one pair)
  • Sylvania (one pair)
  • RCA (one pair)
  • Raytheon (two pairs)
All come in their original boxes and are NOS. I believe the first three are all the same tube, branded differently, but I don't know that for sure.

Price is $10 per pair for the GE, Sylvania, and RCAs, plus actual shipping costs, to be calculated at time of sale. I"m in the US, so if you are, too, then we're likely looking at $5-8. For the Raytheons, it's just $6, plus shipping.

PM me if interested.

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