• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Spect output peak to peak for 807 SE ul

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Hi all, i'm building a 807 seul amplifier with 5k output transformer, my questions are as follow:

1- In my mesurements, output volts peak to peak across RL of 7.7ohm is 15 whit aproximete 5% TDH, this is good or bad, i have no reference to anhoter project because in my country valve amplifiers is not common.
2- VCC is 306v and the amblifier is biased for 390ohm catode bias, how to calculate tube power dissipation, directly 306*390?

My english is not very good i hope yuo understand, more testig my amplifier l'll have more questions, very grateful for your answers, greetings

15V pk-pk across 7.7ohm is 3.7W. I have never used the 807 but I would expect a bit more, although 306V for Vcc is maybe a bit low for that valve?

The power dissipation is current*volts. You need to measure the voltage at the cathode Vk. This is generated across the cathode resistor 390ohms. So use Ohms Law to get the cathode current Ik = Vk/390. Then the total dissipation is Ik*Vcc = Vk*Vcc/390.

Hi all, i'm building a 807 seul amplifier with 5k output transformer, my questions are as follow:

1- In my mesurements, output volts peak to peak across RL of 7.7ohm is 15 whit aproximete 5% TDH, this is good or bad, i have no reference to anhoter project because in my country valve amplifiers is not common.
2- VCC is 306v and the amblifier is biased for 390ohm catode bias, how to calculate tube power dissipation, directly 306*390?

My english is not very good i hope yuo understand, more testig my amplifier l'll have more questions, very grateful for your answers, greetings

Your Ra(5kohms) and Rk(390 ohms) are to high! Try with Ra~3-3,5Kohms, and Rk~150-180 ohms, with Ua=300Vdc, Ug2=250Vdc/Rg2=470ohms.
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