speaker recommend

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Okay opinions needed!

Currently Im running the following:

Thorens 160/SME3009/Goldring 1012
Home-made phono stage and psu
Yamaha DVD player with nos DAC
Very heavily modded MF tube pre
Very heavily modded EL34 power amp
EA EVo 3 speakers
All silver I/C's, power leads and speaker cable.

As you can see the speakers are now way behind the rest so they need attention before I progress. Ive considered everything from IPL kits, 2.5 clones, various designs on the net through to full-rangers.

My dads a carpenter, Im pretty skilled myself and I have a full joiners workshop as part of my factory set-up so Im not struggling on making cabinets.

So, the idea of full-range speakers appeals the most so ideally Id like to go this route. Problem is I really dont want to go too big and I would like something that fits in with house (no big pipes!).

Music wise I like a wide range of stuff from classic rock like Led Zep and Pink Floyd through to electronic music such as Kratwerk and Nitin Sawhney. As a result I would like to keep a decent amount of bass.

The Fostex models seems the favourite due to their price BUT a friend of mine isnt getting along with his Jordan JX92's and theres a good chance I may get these for a very very reasonable price.

So, if you still awake, I need guidance 😀

PS. I do like the Jordan designs Ive seen and wouldnt be adverse to using a small sub if needs be.

Many thanks

Mmmm (drool), a full joinery shop at your disposal!

If I had a push pull EL34 amp, and wanted to go full range, with a good bit of bass, I'd have a bash at some mass loaded transmission line cabinets with Fostex fe207e drivers. I've never done any MLTL's yet, but maybe soon.

If the Jordan's are coming your way, give them a try, what have you got to loose? Maybe in a bipole with a larger bass driver to fill out the bottom end.

There's a couple of ideas but the possibilities are endless.
I had an EL34 push-pull amp and realized that it has too much noise floor for a high-efficiency fullranger like the Ciare CH250. Probably valve amps should be used at levels they are designed for, so I would get the Jordans.
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