source of >35um pcb

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the Bungard stuff is superior and their representative on an electronics fair showed me they manufacture all possible a PCB thicknesses and copper layer thicknesses. I did not need it, so i didn't pursue it further, but look for Bungard on the web, you can order directly from them TMK.
Thanks! - Again! 😎

... Meanwhile I found 70u PCB in walking distance from where I live.

Bernard: looks interesting. They shure have an impressive selection. Five laminate types including PTFE, six thciknes of boards, and three copper. Combined thats 90 different PCB types. Strangely enough their webside only showed up to 70u thickness of copper.

Hoffmeyer: Lautronic is in my permanent bookmark collecion form now on. They have a nice selection of PCB including 105u and accessories for print making.
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