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Sony TC-770-4 Portable reel to reel professional tape recorder for sale

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I have for sale, a portable reel to reel professional Sony TC-770-4 tape recorder, manufacture between 1968 and 1970. It records in 4 tracks but can play 2 and 4 tracks tapes, there is a 2 - 4 tracks switch on the lid of heads. A rare device, it work well and has a very beautiful sound, especially at its higher speed. The lid is included.

I ask $125. plus shipping by mail.

Sold as-is.

The TC-770 is an unusual machine, comes in stereo or 4 track, a rare high end portable machine.

Balanced XLR Mic inputs
Microphone/Line Mixing
Built in Peak Limiter
Servo Controlled Motor w/vari-speed pitch control
Tape/Source Monitoring


Tape Speed:
TC-770: 7-1/2, 3-3/4, 1-7/8 ips.
TC-772: 15, 7-1/2 ips.
Reel Size: 7' Maximum Diameter
Recording System:
TC-770-4: Quarter-Track Stereo, Half-Track and Quarter Track Playback

Frequency Response:
TC-770 Standard Tape:
20 Hz to 22 kHz @ 7-1/2 ips.
40 Hz to 15 kHz @ 3-3/4 ips.
50 Hz to 10 kHz @ 1-7/8 ips.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio:
Standard Tape: 56 dB without the noise reduction.
Standard Tape: 62 dB with the noise reduction.

Wow and Flutter:
0.09% @ 7-1/2 ips
0.12% @ 3-3/4 ips
0.20% @ 1-7/8 ips

Dimensions: 16-1/8" W x 5-13/16" H x 15-5/16" D
Unit Weight:
TC-770: 24 lbs 11oz.
TC-772: 26 lbs.





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