Sony CDP-CX*** question

Having not been able to cure the display problem on my CDP-CX350 due to unobtainable parts, I have been exploring other models. It seems there have been several that are outwardly identical and that play 300 discs. Does anyone know what actual differences might be between mine and say a CDP-CX335? There were at least four different models capable of playing 300 discs at widely differing price levels. Any Sony enthusiasts out there?
Sometimes it's 'new year, new model' with minor differences. Might be ADC or another version of the same series optical block, or an entirely new drive. Sometimes it's different markets with different model numbers but more or less same innards.

In case you don't know; a cursory look reveals the display you'd want has the part number 1-517-861-11. Google this using quotation marks "1-517-861-11" and you'll find several models using this display,

Sometimes the same display is used in both ES and non-ES models so there's usually plenty of potential donors to choose from. I've seen the same display used in at least six different CDP's.