Something to say.......Anything!

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Sorry to hear about your marriage. My brother has been in an almost loveless marriage himself for over 30 years now. Why they stay together is beyond me.:confused: I think his wife just needs someone to boss around and to make him feel like he's worthless :( I hope he smartens up one day and kicks her sorry *** out or better yet leaves himself and sticks her with the mortgage :p I used to believe in marriage but honestly think everyman would be better off single and happy. All women are crazy that's a fact:soapbox:
Now if you could send me your wife's facebook page, I want in on the money lending before it's all gone :D

He probably is doing it for the same reason I've stuck around. I don't want to go through the confrontation of a divorce. Ben there once, second time around won't be any better. I really don't want to hurt her, but that is just going to happen.

I've threatened it before, and one time thought she was going along until she started begging and making promises...

I'm good at picking crazy women, or I'm just an a$$hole that makes them that way.

Either way, the results is the same.
The first five years were great. Then she started taking care fo her elderly parents and something happened to her. She just went into a downward spyral. I can't get her to level with her doctor, and she won't listen to me.

I could almost handle it, if it weren't for the hoarding. Like the show that was on TV a year back. She hasn't achieved prime time hoarding yet, but she is heading there.

Somewhere to the far left is a TV and stereo system.


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My nephew's marriage lasted a couple of years. His wife was always depressed or just didn't want to talk about anything. She tended to ignore me or anyone else in the room when she was in one of those moods. At the dinner table, when asked if she wanted a certain food item, she would whisper to my nephew and he would be the one to convey what she wanted. Yeah weird.He tried to get her to see a professional but of course that was a no go. They parted as friends which is very rare. He has dated a few other girls since but I hope he takes a long time before he gets married again if if only your wife had been hoarding audio equipment, at least that might have been fun for you also.
I had a feeling that there was something in common Cal.

The ONLY way for anyone to have any real hope of living with a chance of 'rehabilitation' from any of these depressive/obsessional states is through firstly admitting that it exists and then to work through the issues with a properly qualified professional expert. [There are so many 'quacks' out there working out their own problems through their clients/patients]

I, like Cal, am a hoarder of things that might/will be be day! Problem is that if I had a garage sale I might get a total of $10.00........unless someone wants twelve large boxes of high voltage antique electro pulls!
Ebay is your friend or Craigslist for getting rid of junk ermmm I meant slightly used high quality electrical parts. As I get older, I have taken stock of what I have around the house and it's surprising what piles up over the years that no longer has that "it might be useful someday" appeal. Besides it makes the rooms look bigger when you can once more see a wall or floor.
Disabled Account
Joined 2010
I'm fed up with,

Work life balance, It sucks big time!

Why, why, why, is life biased to work?
You can spend a lifetime preparing for "My time" and at the stroke of a pen its all stuffed.:mad:

Now the whole world seems to be biased to work until you drop!

Ah well that's life I guess:rolleyes:
But it still sucks BIG TIME:mad: I don't like it. It sucks!

Rant over:D

M. Gregg
Disabled Account
Joined 2010
How to Fix a woman with oscilloscope? It is possible to see inside?

Yes its full of white noise, nothing else! Just another dimension (enter twilight zone music)

Their world is anti reality as perceived by man, and they can multi task.:D
AND they are better at living life than we are (we get by but we are rank amateurs by comparison)

I struggled with some qualifications while a woman on the same course got pregnant had a baby and passed with distinction! (she was a Single parent)
I'm a strong believer that behind every strong king is an even stronger queen! They just let us think we are in control (Think black widow spider and the male)
Who would you trust more, a man with a gun or a woman with a gun who saw you as an obstacle in here way?

Then again what would we do without them :D

M. Gregg
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I am lucky enough to own my paid off home (that needs LOTS of repairs though) no truck payment (bought used for cash) and only work 3 days a week. Money does get tight at times but the days off sure are nice. I'm going to retire at 62, (first year americans can retire and draw social security)screw working till 66. I'd rather be poor and happy than working and miserable. No promises in life so you take what is available and enjoy it.
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Work life balance, It sucks big time!........Now the whole world seems to be biased to work until you drop!

I have been working in the same place for almost 41 years. Some weeks its work, 1 or 2 hours of TV, sleep, repeat. Balance??????WHAZZAT

I'm going to retire at 62.......I'm retired...going on 3 weeks now

It looks like I will be "retired" by the end of the year. I turn 61 in two weeks. I'm still trying to decide what's next.......

I am lucky enough to own my paid off home

I have lived in my "starter home" for 36 years. It's paid for, but south Florida has become too expensive, and this neighborhood is turning into a combat zone. I will have to move.

We also have a home in "small town" West Virginia, but it doesn't have room for me and my stuff......No Kevin sized man cave for BIG speakers.......Decisions....decisions.....decisions.....
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