Solid Chinese AK4497 boards?

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Hi Y'all,

I'm building a first system. The amp will be a box with power and a Chinese amplifier board based on a TPA3255 core, from 3e-audio. They seem to be well regarded. There was a nice IEEE article about building a great sounding amp with one of their (somewhat lower wattage) boards.

Now I've got to find a way to turn bits into electrons to feed the forthcoming amp. In other words, I need a DAC. I'd like to have one of a quality matched to that of the amp. The AK4497 looks like a nice DAC chip, but I have no way to guess which of the many completed boards listed on the usual sites has quality behind it. Can anyone recommend an AK4497 board provider I could rely on? Alternative suggestions to AK4497 are welcome, too.

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