Solid CD player for <$700?

I was quite tempted by the Yamaha CD1000, but some people have had problems after about 10 years, I presume mostly down to use but it could also be partly down to age, an if it's out of production, any new ones will have stood in a wearhouse for years. I'm considering just getting a couple of cheapish DVD players from big names like Sony/pioneer/Philips/LG with an SPDIF out and sticking them on a shelf for when my Sony blueray packs in. Does Cambridge audio have a reputation for long life?
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I would take the top off, locate the CD module, find the make and model, and search online for a new one. I did this for a relative's Meridian, £50 later + 2 weeks delivery from Hong Kong, the new drive was in and working perfectly.
The module in my NAD was never very stellar to begin with. Slow reading and fussy about burned cd's. Looked hard at Cambridge and Audiolab but found too many reviews with serious issues. I probably will take a peek inside the NAD and see how dusty it is in there.
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That kind of work is above my pay grade jpk. Took the cover off and found a loose cd inside. The unit looks brand new inside though.
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SQ is engaging. Loading is smooth. Not thinking I will be looking for an outboard DAC for this. My Schiit Modi works well enough for streaming, although that Topping D10s mini looks good. The display on the this Rotel looks rather instrument like and is sparse on info. Fit and finish are better than I expected. Remote could have come from a Cracker Jack box which is not unusual these days. I am pleased over all with this unit.

Bean counter; "You must reduce the cost by $50 per unit before we can go into production"
Audio engineer thinking to himself; " how about I jam my ballpoint pen into your eye?"
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Joined 2010
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Deckguy - not familiar with that unit. Read as many reviews on it as you can. At that price point it should have a good user interface (remote and display) and excellent sound. I poked around a bit and it looks like it was an excellent player. Probably have to pay well above $1K to get one that good new.
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