Snoring when awake!

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Has anybody been accused of snoring while being awake? My girlfriend yells at me all the time for it. I don't hear myself snore. Do you think the noise emitted is 180 degrees out of phase by the time it reaches my ear to canceled out with the internal noise?
Perhaps you are unaware that you have fallen asleep, even momentarily.

I think it can be called narcolepsy

(Of course, you are leaving yourself open to a lot of comment from some quarters!
eg some women like to talk after, even if it is only to say goodnight.)
Nico, That's embarrassing.

Try taking the new helmet off and maybe you will breathe easier and notice more when the lights go out.

I can't imagine what to even do about it! There are "Sleep Disorder" specialists.

Sometimes after work, I used to pass out on the train. I can only imagine what I did to the other passengers! But at least I was asleep! (like that makes it better) LOL

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