Single sided PCB for Zen v4

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Hi !

I made a nice, but not as good as Neloson did, PCB for Penulitmate Zen (v4).
The PCB is single sided and the size is in euro format 160mm x 100mm (16cm x 10cm or 6.3in x 4in).
Today I'll test it and if it work OK I'll send it to forum.
I hope that I'll get a digital camera to make some photos of my version of Penultimate Zen.
If anyone is interested for my PCB design, let me know.

best regards,
Hi !

Here are some picture of my PCB design for Zen v4.

best regards,


  • imga1115.jpg
    11.1 KB · Views: 4,220
ok so is this the order of prosses..

1st schematice then export to ??
then build board

what i cant figure out what to do how do i do this i have tos of schematics that i want to make pcbs for and ones that will worki have tryed proel some one told me i export and it will help me lay out and rute the traces.. im stumped ive been trying for years..
JasonL said:
ok so is this the order of prosses..

1st schematice then export to ??
then build board

what i cant figure out what to do how do i do this i have tos of schematics that i want to make pcbs for and ones that will worki have tryed proel some one told me i export and it will help me lay out and rute the traces.. im stumped ive been trying for years..

I never draw a shematice I always made a PCB immediate from shematic on list of paper. I place the electronic component and then link together, then export and build board.

You can also use a autoroter (write in command line: auto or make a board from shematic write in command line: board

For any other question use FAQ on

best regards,

well i like eagle a hell of a lot better but i cant get the parts that i am looking for im looking for ex ample im making a pcb for a psu for my preamp and i cant find larg can type caps like 10,000 uf size.. i like how i can do a schematic and then click board and it draws the lines for the board parts traces but how to i make them bigger to support more current. i tryed email'in you but no reply..
Simply modify an exist library

JasonL: Sorry about no replay on your e-mail. I was so busy with Zen 🙂

With Eagle you can simple add your own component, or you can simply modify part in an exist library. You can simply do this with: ->> File ->> Open (or New) ->> Library ->> then choise an exist library and by click on icon (edit a package), select type and then simply modify it.

best regards,
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