• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Single Ended Ultra linear, anyone built one?

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Here is a picture of the "Shrine" amp in its current incarnation. When I retrofit the amp with the GSXE transformers, I'm changing the wires and pilot lamp from blue to yellow, adding oak angles to conceal the edges of the top and bottom plates, and substituting black oxide hardware for the zinc plated stuff to make it invisible against the black crackle case. All the guts are in the 6" cubical case.


  • shrine_1.jpg
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Doug - I hope you bring your amp to BA this year. One - AR2 wants to hear it again. Two - I'd like to compare my little guy to your big guy using some nice, efficienct speakers. This would be to get some listening data points on the Edcor iron vs. the James iron, and the hybrid vs. the straight tube approach. I have a feeling that your amp will shine with high volume, bass-heavy material, but the difference between the two amps may be less discernable at lower volume levels. I'll never know unless I listen to another amp in comparison.

I'm working on another, larger amp using the "Super" 6BG6s and Transcendar output transformers (the large 3k units), but I seriouly doubt it will be ready in time for Burning Amp. It would be triode-strapped anyway, since the Transcendar transformers I have on hand have no UL tap.
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