silentstep underlay as lining

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Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I found this product and I'm interested in using inside my MTM's that I'm building (will be running from somewhere between 200 and 300Hz to somewhere between 1800 and 3000HZ......

Has anybody tried this stuff? I have tried the underlay which is basically the same as this (without the mass loaded vinyl backing) and it certainly helps to tame reflections (not as good as egg crate foam though)... I made an enquiry today and the minimum size I can get is 1M X 4M at $200 aus, so I'm very hesitant to fork out any money unless someone has tested it (or I can get an offcut and do my own testing. I recon at $50 per square meter it is a bargain compared to other mass loaded vinyl products I have seen but $200 is a very hefty price to have to pay.....

1cm thick, STC 28. I think you'd have some incredibly dead cabinets with this material. And $50 per sqm certainly is very reasonable.

Do you know if they are available in Perth?

I recently lined some speakers with $50 of the Jaycar "Heavy Duty Sound Barrier Damping Material" (2.3mm thick, STC 26)

The 5 sheets worked out to be around 1.15 sqm, but I had to use 2 layers in most areas, so it covered only ~0.6sqm.
I don't know if it is available in Perth, but I'd say it would be. I just went to a carpet place today and asked them about it, and although they didn't have it they could get it in 🙂

perhaps too dead!! I bought one sheet of the expensive jaycar stuff, the one with the foam as well, but I have only tried it on the rear of the cabinet, not lined the whole thing, as that would require quite a bit more.

I like the idea of trying this stuff but it is an expensive experiment if it ends up being unsuitable.

I think I'll have to try and get some off cuts from somewhere.

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