Server horrors

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Oh, the stories I could tell. We used to have some techs who would always bring really long jumpers so they only had to make one trip. There were jumpers that were 10m long (when 1m would have been more than sufficient) that were wrapped around cable management spools or run up and down the manager multiple times, sometimes zig-zagged through the spools. Madness!
Wiring on show site looks a lot like that, tho most of it is all over the floor.
When we load out the show, we always scratch our heads at all the cable. How did it all get there, how did it get so tangled? It looks like the cable fairy threw up!

Then we do it all again a day or two later. :xeye:
I wish I had kept a copy of a photo taken from a telecoms exchange just before they converted from point to point E1 links to SDH routing. About 20 years of growth and 3 generations of everything connected to it in one tangled mass of white coax.
It looks like the cable fairy threw up!

The biggest coaxial furball that I have ever seen........Miami Beach Convention Center, 1968 the Republican National Convention where Richard Nixon became the Republican presidential candidate.

About 10 miles of 75 ohm TV cable was strung in and around the convention center by the TV network crews, mostly all white or clear, then abandoned as the crews just packed up and left. We got word from one of the local ham radio clubs that it was free for the asking, so a friend and I got a van full. The real VSWR mismatch of using 75 ohm cable in a 50 ohm system isn't bad. The stuff worked good up to about 150 watts on 20 meters.
Yeah George, a lot of big broadcast shows still do the cut and run. Time is more expensive than the coax cable. We can't afford to do that with anything other than CAT5 cable. Some of the cabling we use is $$$. Some is just high quality RG6, which is expensive enough. I feel like I've spent the past 40 years untangling and wrapping up cable.
+1 Pano.

OTOH I cannot swear that I have not in the past, at 02.00H, while hungry, bleary eyed tired and anxious to start the 2 hour drive home, not been so relieved that the fault was found that putting off a cable tidy-up until the morrow did not seem like a good idea!
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