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Self's Load Invariant Amplifier

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I am clearing out projects that have been mothballed long enough.
I have many of the workings to build one of these amps. My intention was to build a high quality measurement amp to go with an ATS-2 rig. Plans changed and I am left with a mostly completed set of boards. This was going to be built as a dual-mono stereo amp with connectorized board-to-board wiring. I would like to sell this as a package. It includes:

2- Signal Transfer Load Invariant Amplifier Boards (Mostly Stuffed)
1- Signal Transfer Protection Board (complete and tested)
2- Soft Start Boards (complete and tested)
2- BrianGT based PSU boards (complete and teated)
6 x 22k Pana UP 85 degree caps and MUR860 per board
1- Lot plugs and female pins,
20 ea-MPSA06 and MPSA56 transistors
30- Al Oxide insulators
4- Thermistors
20ea- 5200/1943 Outputs (20ea)
Extra fuses.
Excellent Construction Guides for Amp and Protection Boards by STC

A close but not guaranteed list of what this project needs is:
Output Matching (included 20ea of 2SC5200/2SA1943)
Zobel Inductors (10T of #16)
Input transistors (included MPSA56)
Current Mirror transistors (included MPSA06)

A little over $500 into this. I would like to get $300 shipped to the US.



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