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Schulmerich 805 Amplifier Set Western Electric AT&T patents

Seeking anyone interested in a pair of high powered Schulmerich built 805 tube amplifiers using a design licensed by Western Electric / AT&T. Included are two amplifier chassis using 805 tubes, two separate power supply chassis using 3B25 tubes, as well as a two channel driver amplifier that provides the correct input signal for the power amplifiers.

The transformers are substantial and added up they are estimated to weigh 400-500 lb including the cabinet but not the extra output chassis.

These are contained in a single rack mount cabinet with a meter on the front. Also included is a spare amplifier chassis which has the pair tubes present as well. Each amp is rated at 300W RMS - they were used to drive a large number of horn speakers on an electromechanical carillon bell system which could be heard for miles when the volume was turned all the way up.

All units were re-capped using film capacitors and electrolytics that are commonly used to restore vintage tube amplifiers and antique radios.

These are listed on eBay where you can see more photos and details here.

Willing to discuss further with anyone that may be interested - feel free to send a PM here. Pickup near Milwaukee, WI - though I am open to negotiation on the pricing and can helping with shipping arrangements, either by uShip or Freight. I've bought and sold large items (including church organs!) this way, so have some experience getting items safely to their destination.
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