Schematic Power Amplifier

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Output Power

.....Hi , Asok sorry it has been my mistake , for voltage rail +/-50V maximum output power wil bee 312.5W / 4 ohm speaker and 156.25 W/ 8 ohm . I think with +/- 80V wil bee , somewhere around 800W /4ohm , 400w/ 8 ohm , but you have to add 2 Mosfet on each side . Also u increase the voltage for ELKO 's to 100 /160 V :)
Regards Alex mm
Power amplifier supplied -/+ 80 V

...hi Arasuk , I recommend also to change output finals with IRFP 240/ IRFP 9240 instead IRFP 140 / IRFP 9140 :) Nice schematic , i intend to build in the future ( a lot of money to spend ) ;) All the best . Alex mm

p.s. sorry for my poor english :wave:


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