Sansui g-7500?

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Ok so my friends was over at my house last night and we were listening to some music. He askes if I will sell my subwoofer for $50 I say sure knowing that I only paid 25 for it the rest I got for free. So today he calles me and says "hey do you want to trade my reciever(a Sansui g-7500) for my sub plus 25 bucks. I say sure knowing that that is an awesome reciever. What I am asking is How good is the Sansui g-7500? I have read somewhere that it is 90w rms per channle. Also he was saying that one of the channles will randomely cut out. How could I fix this?
Hi Jasmeleg,
How much experience do you have working on stereos?
I have a fair amount of experience working on electronics. Heck for all I know he just has a bad connection on one of his speakers(he is using telephone wire). I want his speakers too. He has a pair of( I cant remember the model) Sansui speakers with horn tweeter and 16" woofers.
The part that sucks the most is that my dad and I found this system on the side of the road. Someone was throwing it away and my dad wouldnt let me keep it because of me already having a good system.

Ok so I traded him my sub and a pair of 15" Jensen 3way loud speakers for his G-7500 and a pair of SP-k8700. Now yes I know that I got an awesome deal. All I need to do is mount these things. They weigh 2x what my jensens did. My jensens if you didnt know are the biggest in the picture.

Ok so I was talking about the problem but here is what i have come up with. What is happening is something in the amp is kicking on the audiomuting to the left channle randomly. I have checked my speaker connection and check my speaker. It does it on all of the inputs and the radio so it is something wrong with the amp. The left channle wont completely shut off but it will sound like the -20db button is on. Also the powermeter on that side does go down on that side. The other one will be regestering 10w and that one will hardely be jumping.
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