Rotel RCD-965 BX problem

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It sounds like the the laser mechanism's radial arm is not moving as smoothly as it should. Take the top off of the player, lift the CD clamp and give the arm a bump. It should move very freely, without any friction.
It looks like the radial control servo isn't working at all.

Before I suggest anything, what tools do you actually have to troubleshoot this? A multimeter, an oscilloscope? This doesn't look like it will be a particularly easy problem to solve.
A multimeter.

Initially, the lens worked perfectly (it was in the right position to read the TOC). Then I adjusted the laser trimmer (VR302) and trimmer which indicates the height of the lens, but things have not changed. Then I realized that the lens power did not come back earlier but remained in the center position as shown in the video.
I have not noticed anything broken in the mechanism and I put everything perfectly. Maybe the magnet does not reach the correct voltage? :-(

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