Repair jig/stand for working on a TD 124?

Top side maintenance is no problem, but I'm wondering what people have come up with for working on the underside. Ideally, I'd like the ability to move back and forth between top and bottom without removing the idler, tonearm, etc. -- just the platter.
Flip it upside down. I've built basic wooden stands with open sides for observing turntable mechanics, and depending on the size and design I can sometimes flip them over on the stand to do work. But the TD 124 won't work with my current stand, so I want to see what others do/have put together.
Thanks rayma. Yes, something like that would be ideal. I need to give some thought to how I would DIY it.

As an interim solution, I seem to recall people using a large bowl or similar with an OD that's slightly less than the diameter of the circular lip around where the platter sits.