Repair display on amp?

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Hope this is the right area...I have a newish insignia home amp that says sherwood on the board inside. Anyway it seems like the amp is working have 20mv on speaker lead. Problem is the display is black, nothing on front lit but the speaker LED. So I look and look, very carefully get it apart and turn on and have power on front board at various places and voltages, some even labeled for me. The big display thing...covered in glass, I'm sure you know what they are called it escapes me, is not working at all. It is about 4"x1". So finally I see that two pins on the end of the long row of pins are soldered into a larger trace, like a power trace. There is big glob of solder on it and it is loose. Trace is broken. There is also damage to case I think it was dropped (maybe in box new) but not sure. Top of case is bent in some, not fitting into front right.

So I am going to solder a wire to the next component and see what happens....but you know there is always the chance that is blew not broke, and for a reason. Just wondered if anyone has seen this and if it sounds like the problem. I don't know how those displays work, it is hooked to about a 1" square processor behind it.

Yes I know, I set it up so I could probe the bare front panel outside the case and that is all I did under power. Only checked fuse in case. Front panel seems to be all DC but didn't check everything.
Well I soldered it up and it looks like it works now. Display lit up and buttons work. Have not tested with speakers yet. I think someone dropped it, maybe in the box. The case bashed into the front face and cracked the plastic and bent the cover a little. I worked it over and it is not noticeable except from the top, so in a rack who would know. Cover was bent in on top also like someone sat on it, but not bad was able to get it out.
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