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Release of Ultimate Equalizer V10

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Dear All,

With this email I would like to announce the release of Ultimate Equalizer V10.

It’s a very handy upgrade with several desirable features. The full list of improvements is presented on my website http://www.bodziosoftware.com.au/

Also, I would like to add, that one of the UE software users confirmed, that Sound Blaster SB1550, 2-in, 8-out (PCIe) works OK with UE10. So, the list of compatible audio devices is growing steadily.
Please review the new features, and contact me with your UE serial number is you wish to upgrade. Email is: bohdan@bodziosoftware.com.au

Please note, you may need to refresh your bookmarks, as the website has been updated as well.

Best Regards,
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