Relays for switching i2s or other 3-wire audio bus?

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I need a digital source selector, and was thinking that i would just use some 3-pole+ relays to do the job. Can anyone recommend a relay with at least 3-poles (4 would work, just leave the spare unused), that is small, and has very little loss of signal?
Re: Re: Re: Relays for switching i2s or other 3-wire audio bus?

Elso Kwak said:

The contact noise would destroy the jitter performance:


I have actually tried a straight wired connection, switches and relais and cannot hear any difference.... so if contact noise is in play, it does not change the sound print. Actually switching between a standard clock and a TENT clock (low jitter) shows clearly the difference.


PS: trying to avoid another possible source of extra jitter, I would not use multiplexers to switch between signals where a relais or switch does the job also. But that is my opinion and experience
Re: Re: Re: Relays for switching i2s or other 3-wire audio bus?

Elso Kwak said:

The contact noise would destroy the jitter performance:



My advise for the Nais remains. Study the datasheet, and you may understand that 1/F noise is low for these types. By measurement is appears to be low enough.

There is some 1/F work to do on your clocks by the way.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relays for switching i2s or other 3-wire audio bus?

Elso Kwak said:

Really, and how would I accomplish that?


I supplied info on jitter of your clock, un-willing, as I agreed with Sjerko Piersma NOT to distribute my measurement results (he didn't keep his words though).

I now wisper in your ear that 1/F is an area for improvement of your clock.

Do you expect me to do everything for you ? lazy or dumb ?

to all:
Can you imagine why professional manufacturers dislike DIY ?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relays for switching i2s or other 3-wire audio bus?

Guido Tent said:

I supplied info on jitter of your clock, un-willing, as I agreed with Sjerko Piersma NOT to distribute my measurement results (he didn't keep his words though).

I now wisper in your ear that 1/F is an area for improvement of your clock.

Do you expect me to do everything for you ? lazy or dumb ?

to all:
Can you imagine why professional manufacturers dislike DIY ?

Hi Guido,
I did not know Sjerko got the jitter measurements from you. Anyway it was Sjerko's version of my clock you measured.
I strongly object to the qualifications "lazy" and "dumb" as the KWAK-CLOCK is my own original design. You did nothing for me, except that measurement. You was not involved in the design.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relays for switching i2s or other 3-wire audio bus?

Elso Kwak said:

Hi Guido,
I did not know Sjerko got the jitter measurements from you. Anyway it was Sjerko's version of my clock you measured.
I strongly object to the qualifications "lazy" and "dumb" as the KWAK-CLOCK is my own original design. You did nothing for me, except that measurement. You was not involved in the design.


I do not blame you for the fact you got the measurements from Sjerko. I told Sjerko he violated mutual agreements, he did not react yet. Needless to say that no-one else can carry out these measurements in the Netherlands.

I NEVER stated that I was involved in your design, so please stop using that argument before you make a true fool of yourself.

My problem with you is that I supply you a decent and valueable amount of information, enabling you to to come up with Kwak clock #9 which could be an improvement, and you reaction then remains:

"how would I accomplish that"

You could have considered a reaction like:

"thanks Guido for pointing me that way, I will try to carry out some measurements and see if I can improve the design"

Ofcourse its' your choice how to react, but at least now I see the true colours.

Gentlemen, this discussion is going a wrong direction. Please realise we all know you are fishing in the same waters and as such giving info on your competing products is a gray area. Maybe it is wiser not to speak of your competitors products at all and let the members themselves decide which product is best. Compete with products instead of quarreling you both.

I object to the classification "dumb" and "lazy" Guido. Consider this a warning.
1/f Noise

1/f noise is interesting as it cannot be removed effectively by low-pass filtering according to some discontinued Burr-Brown application note.
For those unfamilar with the term: 1/f is low-frequency noise. It's spectral density increases without limit as frequency decreases. No semiconductor device is free of it.
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