Really? REALLY??

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Aw just for fun - $500,000 loudspeakers. I just perused and they list the most expensive stuff first. $650,000 for a turntable, and the same for an amplifier (well it IS a 20,000 watt amp).

Have fun


  • Titan_large.jpg
    40 KB · Views: 356
If everyone of us bought one of these we could create a perpetual motion machine of ******** and save the world economy.

Doesn't that lower driver look a lot like the little rubber nub from a playstation?

I hope they come with an operation to install half a million dollars worth of ears, so I can hear all of the ******** that these will put out.

There thats all I got folks.
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Nah they even come with their own horoscope and depending on the time of year play deep full clean bass. On some other months however the bass becomes a bit boomy and the highs have less clarity.
You have to feed them 100$ bills then to get rid of that muddy sound.
After 3 years you get a free replacement from your manufacturer!
I think at that price I would sooner higher the musicians. ;)

Only works if you hire no-name musicians. Anybody with a recognisable name will see that as a corporate gig and charge you accordingly.
For that kind of money you probably get one or may be two gigs in total.

In the late '90s here in the UK there was a horrible little pop band called 'Steps' who broke any number of sales records but they still made more money from corporate gigs than from either touring or record sales.
The ones shown aren't even real- they're quite obviously renders.

Pathetic, poor design. There are many trash like this at the high end. Think Goldmund's big system- worst case enclosure design, but their fancy frame lets you time align. So much trash....

And then there are some very nice loudspeakers- but those are more common in the 5 figure range than the 6, where the speakers are less about sound and more about statements.
Those ugly things the OP referenced to.....weigh 2800 Lbs each.........A big chunk of milled aluminum..........Now mind you I am all for large masses for enclosures but really now.
I sure do wish someone in high places could purchase one of these just to pull it apart just so to find fairly common components inside...............just to put to rest the hyper industry.
Even as ART they fail miserably. If they are such superior machines, why dont we find such hyper $$$$ loudspeakers in large corporate studios??

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