Rate SQ with a Sub!

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Thinking about a building sub to go with 2 smaller, high quality DIY speakers I am getting ready to build, Needs to be small....WAF. The choices have pretty much been made on the designs in 2 channel.

The question is......will adding a sub, other than obvious more bass, change the SQ?

The source direct mode in the Marantz PM8003 is better to "my" ears than stereo w/a sub mode, why is that?

If this is an off topic for this thread, I apologize.

Thanks for any input.
A properly done subwoofer with a high-pass crossover on the main speakers will have much better sound quality in the midrange.

I have added subwoofers to full-range speakers that went just as low as the subwoofer did. The improvement in midrange clarity made it worthwhile to add the subwoofer.
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