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For Sale Raspberry Pi 3B

Things you have for sale.
Barely used RPI 3B.
I paid €85€ for it, prices are high when demand is higher than supply.
Hope to get €75 excl. shipment, but open for offers.

Item is located in Belgium.


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I think there is upward compatibility. As an example, I took an SD card with the O/S and camilladsp from a 3 to a 4 with no changes, not even an O/S change and it worked, actually worked better. My MOTU mk5 started behaving with camilla when I used the 4 instead of the 3. The 3 must have had some hardware issue with USB and motu that got resolved with the new usb hardware in the 4.
Joined 2002
Paid Member
A software distribution will usually (just about always) need an update whenever a new piece of Raspberry Pi hardware is released.

This will take from a few hours to a few days to sort out. The software changes going from a RPi3 to RPi4 seemed a little more significant than usual.