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Rare audiophile stereo tube SE amplifier DIY kit (6C2C + 4P1L).

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Rare audiophile stereo tube SE amplifier DIY kit (6C2C + 4P1L).

Price 350 USD + international shipment (from 150 USD to 250 USD depending of location)

1. Unique combination of tubes 6C2C + 4P1L (sound of 4P1L is similar to legendary 6C33C, but less power and less voltage makes it possible to build amplifier without high experience) .
2. Interstage transformers (no capacitors in sound channel)
3. Individual power for each channel including tube heating.
4. Single ended
5. Output 4W for 8Om speakers per channel
6. 220V input
7. All electronic components
8. 5 transformers
a. Power (2 power channels, 2 heaters + 1 heater)
b. 2 interstage
c. 2 output
8. Military soviet NOS tubes.
9. Scheme
10. Assembling instruction in English
11. Test chassis for assembling and verification (not for regular usage).
12. weight 8 kg.

1. it is private lot. No return. No reserve.
2. No chassis, no case.
3. All components are optimized for sound quality without additional costs and you need make chassis by yourself if you need it of any quality you need.
Sounds interesting: I saw your other thread where you describe this amplifier. Is it your own project, have you made the transformers for it, and are you now offering it as a kit for the other DIY'ers?

I am sure you will have more succes if you post some pictures and describe the contents of the kit: I, for example, am interested in the characteristics of the audio transformers (size, type, frequency response, etc, etc...)

It is not my project in terms that I do not make transformers for it. I know a man who makes it for me. But he speaks Russian only :-(

I will put some photos on weekend.

I make amplifiers but I use transformes from other people. I am not specialist in it. I am more the person who is interesting in music listening. I founded that my impression from music does not depend directly from parameters. I have good commercial German amplifier but in most cases my Vintage style DIY amplifier at ECL82 sounds better for me, but by formal parameters it is much worther. So I like to build different schemes to get my own impression over it. And I like use rare tubes for it.

I will try to get some additional informatation from Transformatorman :) for you and will put photo of the scheme at weekend
Photo of the kit

Here is photo of the kit. Please note that volume control and connectors in the kit are inexpensive. If you need top quality components you will need to buy it by yourself.


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Hallo mik190 (assume this stands for Mikhail?),

Your kit looks very interesting. I have a few 4P1Ls in my junkbox. Once, I hooked up one of these tubes with an old output transformer salvaged from a vintage Dual turntable and I discovered that the 4P1L can produce excellent sound (even in pentode mode). But the tube is rather microphonic. I assume that this is not a problem as long as the amp is not located right in front of, or close to the speakers. It's funny that you use an interstage transformer between the 6C2C (or, in English, 6S2S) and the 4P1L, rather than capacitor coupling. Does this transformer provide any sonic advantages?
I don't doubt that your kit can produce good sound, but 500 USD (350 + 150 for shipping) is serious money, and how reliable is shipping from the Russian Federation to the US or the EU? Does the money quoted for shipping involve any form of insurance? I think most DIYaudio members would like to know this, and I agree with Erik (de Best) that you should provide some information on measured specs (like frequency response).

Best regards,

Aren van Waarde (aka arensattic)
Hallo mik190 (assume this stands for Mikhail?),

I discovered that the 4P1L can produce excellent sound (even in pentode mode). But the tube is rather microphonic.

It's funny that you use an interstage transformer between the 6C2C (or, in English, 6S2S) and the 4P1L, rather than capacitor coupling. Does this transformer provide any sonic advantages?

that you should provide some information on measured specs (like frequency response).

Aren van Waarde (aka arensattic)


Some answers:

1. 4P1L was designed for operation in military battery radio. So they need very stable power. It is good to use it in close chassiss to protect from microfonic effect.
2. In Russian DIY society there is common opinion that transformes is much better for high quality sound. But they are expensive and heavy :(. The reason is that any capacitor is nonlinear depending from frequency and add variable phase changes. Transformers are more linear in this case. But it makes amplifier heavier.
3. I understand your concerns about measument. But I have what I have, and have no opportunity to make in right now. May be later. Sorry.
4. Post service is rather good in Moscow at the moment. I bought a lot of thing at e-bay and everything came without problems, even heavy Audio Nirvana coax 15" speakers. But I did not send abroad yet.

BTW, this weekend I bought pair Lowther DX-3 at e-bay and will build TP1 cabinets for them to use with amplifier at 4P1L. May be in few months will send some impression about this combination :)
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