Randall amplifiers

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I'm thinking of purchasing a Randall RH50T 50 watt tube head. I'm very interested but I am very concerned about the price(about $500). I'd like to know if their reliable and have the desent quality of most other tube amps that are twice the price. Just tryin' to learn a thing or two! Can anybody help out?
Are you buying it used or new? Randall is a pretty big amp manufacturer, you know. So there is most likely no reliability issues. Have you tried it & liked the sound, or are you just interested because someone else uses it? Personally I wouldn't shell out 10000 Swedish crowns (~1000$) on an amp, or even 5000. When a used JCM800 costs 3000.😀

If you want more info from people who are experienced with all sorts of amplifiers, go to
Harmony Central Amp Forum. , you'll get loads of info/advice/sounclips.

good luck.🙂
Valve amps tend to be very reliable. It depends on whether you want to sound like yourself [different] or like everyone else [Marshall etc.].

Try it out and see if you like the combination of yourself, your guitar and the amp. IMHO $500 is not expensive, others may disagree.

thanks for the tips...no i haven't played through one yet. its just that i'm looking at getting a mesa boogie stiletto duece for my live stuff and i noticed that this new randall has the same EL34 power tubes and 12AX7 preamp tubes. I'm guessing it has the equivalent sound but i don't have a dealer in my area to hear it. Thanks again!
Randall vs. Mesa

I believe Charlotte has a dealer that stocks both. While you are at it, look at the slightly more expensive Genz-Benz combo. I think they are more flexible then the Randall and Mesa. This, of course, is just MY opinion. They are all very reliable.
An amp model from one manufacturer having the same type of tubes in it as a model from another manufacturer does not automatically mean it will sound the same.

Example: Fender Twin = 12ax7, 6L6GC
versus Peavey 5150 = 12ax7, 6L6GC.

These two don't sound the same at all.
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