Quick woodworking cabinet question..

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I have a set of MDF speakers I built a while back. Currently they are still sitting in their raw MDF state and I would like to cover them with veneer. The problem I have is that I rounded all the edges of the cabinet with a 1/2" round over bit. Any suggestions on getting the veneer on or "un" rounding the edges?

Thanks in advance
I have been fairly successfull in using the paper backed veneer on "slightly" rounded edges. One thing that you may want to think about is steaming the edge if the veneer with a steam iron. This will make it more pliable. But on the other side of that concept, I have never tried steam bending veneer that has been paper backed - not sure if the backing will come off (and you don't want it to).

Also you must take into consideration trimming - will there be enough space to do the trimming and finish work on the newly applied veneer?

If all these come together, it's a worthwhile project, but if not, the routing of a groove and adding a peice of trim would work to.

just my .02

I was planning on using paper-backed veneer and have been successful with rounded corners, but normally I only round over the vertical edges not the horizontal ones as well. How would you handle the corners? I will try and attach a generic picture of how the box looks.

Thanks again,


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