Quick Noob Question: better DVD-A DACs?

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I have an old Toshiba SD4900 DVD-A player. It uses a BurrBrown PCM1603 six channel DAC to generate the outputs on a separate PC board on the back of the chassis (got schematics). Perfect for some mods.

The DAC number appears to be unique to this player, the closest number that makes any sense is PCM1602 http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/85650/TI/PCM1602Y/2K.html

Just curious if there is a DIY way to add a "better" DAC output stage for improved performance, especially on the front/center channels. Tried search but didn't find anything obvious.

The PCM1602 has a voltage output and minimal internal filtering. External opamp second order filters is all that you have control upon. Short of opamp rolling or replacing with discrete opamps there is not a whole lot you can do. PS improvements?
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