Quick and dirty frequency response measurement in Linux

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I downloaded ARTA and will eventually get around to seeing if it will work running under WINE. But in the meantime I grabbed JAAA, connected and old Radio Shack omnidirectional condenser mic and used JackQTL and Audacity (both included in Ubuntu Studio) to generate pink noise and display response.

To my shock it worked. Obviously not calibrated highended goodness but should be useful for ballpark tuning. Will still need to get ARTA set up to measure driver params but in the spirit of better than nothing... :)
As long as your soundcard has a mic input, you do not need a preamplifier.
REW runs easily on Linux and is really useful for measuring speakers and tweaking crossovers.

Good. The documentation made it sound like the aux input was the only one that could be used. Will download and play with it next day off.

Many thanks for the pointers.
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