Question on physics :)

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Re: qquestion on physics :)

Back to the original question:

sss said:
the small wheel is turning the big wheel ,when a chain is connecting between them .

if the small wheel is turning at constant speed , no friction whatsoever ...
is there a force on the chain?

Well, if it can be determined that one wheel is turning the other, then there must be a tension discrepancy between the upper and lower run of chain. So, there is a force on the chain.

The plane however, still won't fly.

As it was mentioned before, once everything is spinning at constant speed, one wheel isn't driving the other one anymore. They are just spinning on their own. And even then, there is tension in the chain.

Since you brought up the plane:
Yes, it will fly. I'm sure that they use parking brakes on them so they don't roll around the airport. So, if that plane is placed on the chain, the plane will move with the chain (along the flat part), and once the chain starts curving around the sprocket, the plane will keep moving forward and fly(assuming that it is going fast enough; if not, then the plane will just fall and crash).
This thread is very similar to the sprocket / chain system in just goes round and round.

Anyway not even the perpetual motion argument works here because the links will try to fly off at a tangent. Removing all losses associated with friction will not remove all forces, i.e. the forces used to retain the chain links. These forces will eventually slow the system down ......unlike this thread.
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